LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

so far so good

Today has so far been a better day, nothing but coffee has passed my lips (and 2 sugar free mints) and I'm feeling nicely empty. Think i'm going to be having an earlyish night tonight in an attempt to bypass any cravings this evening. Weighed this morning and hadn't lost the 1lb I had gained but also not gained again so I'm happy with that and can't wait to weigh again in the morning.

The plan tomorrow is to stick to 200cals, maybe 300 at a push but only clean foods. doing 12 hour shift tomorrow and friday which is always hard where food is concerned as it's always around, but think I can be strong. And on the plus side it means I will be active all day as my work is quite physical, so that will be all my calories worked off and more!

I had a parcel in the post today that got me excited, 2 1lb ankle weights. These should help me burn more calories as usual without putting in any more effort (how lazy am I?) and easy to hide under my trousers so no one will know. Hope to increase the wights gardually as my muscles get used to them. Fingers crossed.

Feeling more possitive today which has been most welcome as I am more motivated. sorry for the recent depressed posts, hope you have found this a little better to read,

Hope you are all staying strong and thinking thin



  1. Ankle weights? I have never heard of them. Going to amazon right now! But, ya know. My bf has these 11lb dumbbells. And just carrying them up the stairs makes me totally out of breathe. And to think I used to carry that mass normally. It's actually quite shocking how these little things affect you. Amazing. Oh and *snaps* for the restriction! Skinny SKINNY thoughts! Xo

  2. uggghhhh ankle weights!!!! lol my gymnastics coach made me wear ankle weights on one foot all the time after i broke my foot so my muscle wouldn't go away as much on that leg. thoseee bitches!!!

  3. I have wrist weights which I kinda use as ankle weights - lol. They're pretty uncomfortable but that's cause I'm not using them for their proper function.

    I'm glad you're feeling happier. Thank you so much for your recent comment, it makes me feel better that I'm not alone.

  4. Never apologize for anything, Abbifa. And great job you are doing! I never use weights, I am always afraid of bulking up.. I was a kick boxer for a LONNNNG time, my leg muscles build up quickly. Too quickly for my approval.

    Keep up your strong will power! I am so proud of you!! (Don't know why I just felt like your mother..)
