LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

and so let the shit begin. . . . AGAIN!

Ok can I feel any worse than I do right now? Probably as I know things will get worse before they get better but Oh My God!!!

First off I am not losing any weight depite the exercise increase, hoping this is just a mixture of more muscle mass from my work outs and being on my monthly, crossing all fingers the scale will soon start going in the right direction.

The main problem right now is work, it just plain sucks. For those of you who don't know, I am a carer in a residential home for the elderly, been doing this job for over 6 years and I really don't know why I still continue to put myself through it!
Right now the shit is hitting the fan (seems to happen about every 6months) and we are getting pulled over the coals left right and centre. Last time the night staff were not doing there job propperly, residents were not being washed well enough and job were just not being done or being done to a very poor standard. This both day and night staff had a bollocking for (I was not happy as I work days and I'm sorry but I do my job fairly well I think). As a result night staff no longer have the job of washing any residents, day staffs work load increases.
The complaint this time is the cleaning. Basic cleaning we have always done after caring for the resident but that is no longer good enough, every room now has to be done to show room standards, work load has increased yet again for day staff, Night staff do fuck all but answere bells, hover 2 rooms and watch TV all night. This morning we all spend far more time cleaning rooms than we did taking care of living, breathing people, I'm sorry is it just me that can see something wrong with this??? And if we are now doing the cleaning then what the fuck do they pay the cleaner for, and pay him more than the trained staff who have far more responcability. He cleanes toilets, we wash and dress frail and ill people, clean shit, perform emergency first aid, we care for the dying, those in pain, inform families that their loved ones have passed away, we have to watch those we have grown to love pass away infront of our eyes.

we all work bloody hard and we have our bosses come in and state that the staff are shit because one toilet was not clean enough. for fuck sake we work 12 hour shifts and hardly have breaks, all for 6 pounds a fucking hour. our residents are all clean, well fed, well cared for and happy, surely that is what is most important?! I am not getting paid for a training day I did last month because someone kindly said I didn't go, I fucking did!!

so sorry for the major rant but need to get it out of my head before I cry

hope you are all having a better day



  1. I know what you mean. Over worked and under appreciated. I totally agree that the happiness and well being of the residents should be top priority. Sorry I haven't had a chance to feature your blog yet. I've been kind of caught up in other stuff. I'll get to it ASAP <3 Stay strong

  2. I'm sorry your job is so tiring, but you definitely have it right, people should be the main responsibility. Hopefully it will all ease up and work its self out eventually. Stay strong girl!


  3. feel better!! we have like the same weight goal and weight! i hate when people get lazy especially when it affects others!
    stay strong!
    muscles weigh so much more than fat...

  4. SOrry about your job, seems your boss doesn't see all the effort you put in.

    Hope it gets bettter :)
