LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

here's to a fresh start!!

Today I feel like a new me, a better person and more positive than I have felt in ages. I'm not certain of the reason behind this change of perspective but I think it has a lot to do with the comments on my last 2 posts.

@Fat Piggy-thankyou for the support and enouraging words, I have rallied before and I can do it again, thankyou for helping me to see this.

@sunshine child-Thankyou also to you and your comment, I have looked at the 10 day challenge and will definately give it a go, although right now I feel like I need something with a longer commitment so have decided to start with the skinny girl diet.

So yeah today has been a good day, woke at 6.30am and instead of going back to bed and trying to ignore the world as I have been doing recently on days off from work, I got up, made coffe and was ready to leave the house at 8.30am, check me out lol.
I went to the supermarket to stock up on veggies and fruit, treated myself to a new perfume from town and some hot oil conditioners for my increasingly dry hair, new handbag ready for the xmas meal/party and new jacket to go with my dress (all I need now is shoes), finshed with a skinny late to drink on the walk home.

Since then I have got cracking on my xmas cards, I have made my own for the past 5 years so thought I had better keep up the traddition. They are handmade glittery card stockings with candy canes and I have mini pink and white candy canes to go inside the card so everyone gets a little treat, normally put in little chocolate coins but thought the canes would work better with the theme. Will take a picture when i'm done.

So tomorrow I am starting the Skinny Girl Diet, since this lasts for 30 days it will take me up to new year. I will allow a day off for the work meal but still try to keep my calories low. Also take a day off on boxing day as with my family but again try to keep the calories as long as I can get away with. I am working 12-4pm christmas day so can get away with it on the day that most people will be eating the most. the rest of the day I will be at home, alone, confident I can survive but won't beat myself up to much if I indulge a little, it is christmas after all.
As I will be cheating a few days I will do the SGD twice.
Then as I should be used to restricting properly again I am thinking the ABC diet could follow as the calories are reduced even lower with that. I'm really quite excited to see how I get on with it and how much I could lose. Poeple are already telling me I look like i've lost a lot of weight/look thin/am getting skinny. I love it and really want it to continue.

Please wish me luck

hope everyone is doing ok, this time of year is always hard for everyone, what with xmas and for those in the US who have thanks giving. Hope you can all stay strong, and if you are struggling with the food just try to enjoy what you are having and restrict when you feel strong enough. If your going to eat you as well enjoy it right??



  1. Haha I'm glad you are feeling so confident and strong. =) Send some of that my way!

    Your Christmas cards sound adorable. I can't wait for the pictures. I've never made Christmas cards before, but it sounds fun.

    Good luck on your new diet. I hope it goes amazingly for you!

  2. It's great that you feeling so good and optimistic and everything.
    I love the feeling of waking up and getting your day started early and accomploshing so much. It makes me feel proud.

    YOur christmas card idea sounds so good, I wish people gave cards out. I never actually get any which is kinda sad.

    I'm trying something different with my eating too.

    Good luck :)

    oh and yay on people noticing you're losing weight, what a boost that must be.

  3. Good luck on the skinny girl diet keep us posted.
