LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday 1 August 2011


Welcome to my new blog, let me introduce myself. My name is Abbi, i am 28 and a health care assistant in a residential home.
I have been overweight most of my life, at my heaviest i was 182 lbs, some thing that i am very ashamed to admit. I have also spent most of my life dieting and someone what unsuccesfully. having said this 2 years ago i decided emough was enough and embarked on a major diet taking myself from a size 14(uk) to a size 6, the thinest i have ever been, yes i wasn't eating very much, sometimes i went days living on just coffee but i did it and although i still felt fat i loved being able to by smaller clothes and being told i was looking very thin!
How ever things have gone wrong, i started to binge and purge a lot and pretty soon i was binging without the purge.
Now back at a size 14 i have never felt so disqusted with myself and have vowed to lose the weight no matter what it takes. two weeks of sticking to no more than 1000 calories i have managed to drop 7lb, it's not much yet but it's a start.
I hope you will continue to follow my progress to that elusive size 0 we all read about in magazines and hopefully offer some surport and tips, i'm sure that together we can all reach our goals and more

1 comment:

  1. hey, thanks for sending me a message. i've got it easier than most in the sense that my genetics favor small frames and difficulty putting on weight....until recently though. my metabolism must be changing b/c i used to be able to eat whatever i wanted and not gain, but lately the pounds slowly creep on if i'm not careful.

    i don't exactly support eating disorders when it comes to very harmful routines, but i will share what i do if it might be of interest to you:

    my morning routine is to start out with 10 almonds and some water so i have something in my stomach, then stretch and exercise lightly for about an hour. it helps to listen to your favorite music with a good beat.

    the rest of my day i eat what i want in moderation, eating guilt-free things like fruits and vegetables and to feel full, i fill up on a mix of lean protein and fiber. i avoid carbs and sugar and things high in fat as much as possible. i love carbs but i've found they make me feel really tired. don't worry much about nuts; i know a lot of people avoid them because of their fat content, but i think the fiber and nutritional value from them outweighs the fat.

    so in summary: high protein and fiber (to help you feel full and to turn fat into muscle quicker), lots of fresh produce, and avoid carbs, sugar, and fat. carbs are okay if they are in the form of whole grain though.

    if you're like me and the hardest part is feeling hungry all the time, it's great to make smoothies out of a scoop of protein powder, your favorite fruits, low fat yogurt, and a handful of spinach (it turns the smoothie a weird color but you can't taste it).

    good luck!
